By Jonathan Jolly

The Governor of Taraba State, His Excellency Dr. Agbu Kefas, warmly received the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) team at Taraba State Polytechnic Suntai for a resource inspection exercise.

Representing the Governor, Commissioner of Education Dr. Augustina Godwin, expressed gratitude to the NBTE team for choosing Taraba Polytechnic Suntai for this significant exercise. She commended Governor Kefas for his efforts towards the advancement of education in Taraba State, including initiatives such as the free education policy in public primary and secondary schools, and the reduction of school fees in tertiary institutions across the state.

Dr. Godwin praised Governor Kefas for his commitment to the development of the education sector and expressed hope that the outcome of the NBTE exercise would positively impact the future of Taraba’s children and empower the polytechnic to compete globally.

Acting Rector Dr. Amos Agbu extended his gratitude to Governor Kefas and Commissioner Godwin for their dedication to improving the education sector. He introduced his management team and assured their full support of the Governor’s initiatives.

Governor Kefas through the commissioner of education expressed his commitment to providing quality education in Taraba State and stressed the importance of the NBTE inspection in ensuring the polytechnic meets the required standards.

The NBTE team commended the efforts of Governor Kefas and the polytechnic management in driving educational development in the state. They assured that the inspection exercise will be thorough and fair, with the aim of improving the quality of technical education in Taraba State Polytechnic Suntai.

Overall, the visit was seen as a positive step towards enhancing the educational sector in the state and ensuring that students receive the best possible education to prepare them for the future. Governor Kefas and his administration continue to prioritize education as a key driver of development in Taraba State.

The NBTE team, led by members such as Bldr Adesina Oluodo, Mr. Nsan Tiku, Mrs. Esther Damisa, Mr. Miri Ebipade, Mr. Abubakar Isah, and Mr. Muhammad Salihu, conducted the inspection alongside NBTE staff, invited resource persons, principal officers of the polytechnic, and the representative of the NBTE Zonal Director Northeast, Malam Abdurrahman Muazu, and Heads of Departments.
