By Hebrews Isaac Wubon

The Nigeria Union of Journalists, Ministry of Information Chapel in Taraba State has innaugurated new Executive who will pilot the affairs of the union for three years.

The new Executive were innaugurated on Thursday by the State NUJ Executive Council at the Ministry after taking Oath of allegiance.

The Executive are; Justine Kasa as Chairman, Kasimu Zakari as Vice Chairman and Grace M. Eki as Secretary. Others are Jonathan Jolly as Assistant Secretary, Kwarve Eric as the Financial Secretary, Sabo John Yakubu as Treasurer and Nayiga Danjuma as the Auditor.

The NUJ Chairman, Taraba State Council Mr. Matthew Eliud Jen represented by the State secretary of the Union , Mr. Appolos Denis Gilenya charged the new leaders of the chapel to be deligent and committed in their duties.

He encouraged members of the Union to be professional in their assignments and obtain the requisite qualifications to practice journalism as expected by the NUJ constitution.

The State NUJ Chairman enjoined members to obtain the Union constitution and added that a disciplinary committee has been set up to sanction erring journalists in the state.

Mr. Jen however, described the Ministry of Information Chapel of the NUJ as the mother of all chapels in the state considering its numerical strength and assured members of the union that the state Executive will continue to do its best to improve on welfare of journalists and mobilize national officials to produce ID cards for registered members.

He commended the Ministry of Information Chapel for being the first to pay her dues to the state and asked the chapel to conduct their congress quarterly to keep members abreast of happenings in the union.

In a goodwill message, the Director Public Relations at the Ministry of Information, Mr. Theophilus Bajon Charged members to uphold the dignity of the journalism profession. He however, expressed dismay on the poor turn out of members to the congress meeting.

The newly innaugurated chairman of the NUJ Information Chapel, Mr. Justine Kasa thanked the state EXCO, pledged the loyalty of the chapel and assured the state Council of the prompt payment of dues.

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