EXCLUSIVE: Love Test Strip ~ Lilian Asicus

It is sad that there is no love test strip to test the loves we confess to each other. Just imagine our world with an invention like that…where the presence or absence of love can be seen on a strip like a pregnancy positive or negative. That would have solved more than half of the world’s problems!

In relationships, we are the sum of all our experiences, good or bad. Some have had it smooth, easy and some not so much. Some have seen so much shege that they have closed themselves off and become distrustful, it does not matter what you say or do, they would not believe it is love. They do not believe in real love. Some might be the types who believe in giving everyone a clean slate regardless of terrible past experiences. Every time someone says they love them they consider that it might be possible. They think this might be the real one. Others have had it so smooth that they have never had to doubt anyone’s love.

Should I tell you what I think? I think most men are incapable of love, some women too. I think people who say they love each other don’t really love each other, or at least one of them is lying. Most couples definitely aren’t in love with each other. Men and women want and look for certain things. When they find what they looking for in someone, they tell each other they love each other. But what do I know?

I shaa know that it is not fair to say that what one says or feels is not love. People love differently- act differently, feel differently and show differently. That is what gave rise to love languages.

I don’t care who attempted to define love but it is almost insulting to tell anyone that what they feel is not it. Out of respect you should not question what people say they feel, but you also should not believe that they feel something, or that what they feel is love. Since we can never be sure, what do we do?

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